Omni Management Services (OMNI) is currently contracted to provide property management services to the South Lake Homeowners’ Association. OMNI performs many of the regular tasks of the association (e.g. paying bills) and administers the collection of our annual assessment. OMNI also serves as the primary Homeowners’ Association point of contact for South Lake homeowners. OMNI should be contacted for service issues on community property, complaints regarding specific bylaw violations and for any questions regarding your annual homeowners’ dues assessment.
OMNI uses an online system called Caliber to help manage South Lake. The Caliber Portal will enable you to log in, view, and update your homeowner information, view account information, compliance violations, maintenance issues, and association documents. You can access the site here.
When logging into the web portal for the first time, you will need to select the “Create Login” link located below the Login “button”. This will open a registration screen. Here you will enter your account number and email address of your choice. The provided email address will be linked to your login record.
**Please note: If Omni does not have a valid email address on file, you will need to contact your
manager at the email below and provide prior to completing the registration process.**
If there are multiple owners associated with the account, select your name from the list provided. If a
match is found, you will be sent an email to create your username and password. The email link will
allow you to create a username and password (usernames must be unique). Once saved, you will be able to log into the web portal. If you encounter any problems with your Caliber account, please contact our Property Manager.